In this page you will find a whole host of information dedicated to P3 news.
You will find all the information of what is going on in the world of P3, charity activity and up and coming events you might want to get involved in.
We will also keep you updated on important changes in the industry such as stamp duty changes, new products and up to date deals coming onto the market.
This page will also keep you updated on P3 Mortgage Group.
So grab a coffee and scroll through……
Team winners L-R: Andy Denehey, Alex Miles, Victoria Ray and Alex Rowe
Over 60 players turned out for a fabulous day at Waterlooville Golf Club to help raise £1200 for Rugby Against Cancer!
Well done everyone!
P3 Mortgage Group are proud sponsors of Rugby Against Cancer and the famous Hawaiian main team shirt.
Ruby Against Cancer are a fast growing charity helping families within the rugby community with the challenges of family members with cancer.
Whether it’s helping out with treatment costs, or just giving people scope to have a well earned break, Rugby Against Cancer strive to help make strenuous times a little easier.
Held on Thursday the 28th of October 2021, the Junior Open saw over 40 competitors of the very best quality compete for a very healthy prize table.
The day was supported by Kate Dymott (England Golf), Kevin Caplehorn (LOSGC Advanced Pro), Morgan Peterson and the team and P3 Mortgage Group.
The day saw players of all ages play the first open since 2013 at LOSGC and all made themselves, the club and their families very proud!
The overall winners were (L-R)
Abigail Dymott with nett 65
Will Green with gross 72
Millie Atthis with 19 points (9 hole comp)
See you al in 2022!
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